
A post from Olivia

Below is from my beautiful 14 yo niece Olivia.  I could not love her more or be more proud.  If you post comments below, Olivia will be reading them.  Thanks to all of you so much for your valued prayers and healing thoughts.
♥ Elle

Well...exactly 365 days ago I was laying in a hospital bed when I received the news that I had leukemia. There were times I was unable to stand for more than 5 minutes. I've been in wheel chairs because of so much pain. I've had more needles stuck in me then I can count. I've had so many different drugs I could open a medicine shop. I've been so weak I couldn't stand in the shower. Ive lost all my hair. I've been so sick I couldn't even get out of bed in the morning. I've cried so many tears I could have my own river by now...and now..365 days later. I'm still here. I'm still fighting. My hairs growing back fast. I'm playing rep hockey. Getting straight A's in school, fundraising, and volunteering. I still got quite a ways to go with treatment. But the hard part is finally over 


  1. Sweet Olivia!
    You are a beautiful and obviously intelligent young lady. Stay strong and know that a lot of people including me are praying for you.
    Love Susan XOXO

    1. Susan - thank you so much for your valued prayers. Olivia has seen your comment and is so touch by your and everyone else reaching out. Thank you :-)

  2. you are a brave and special girl !!God is watching over you i pray for you every night that's when i pray for my kids and grand kids! xoxo

    1. Thank you so very much Nellie. I am so touched that you pray for Olivia along with your own kids and grandkids. Olivia has seen your comment and is so touch by your and everyone else reaching out. Thank you :-)

  3. You are so right Olivia the hard part is behind you. You have learned in your young age what some never learn "this to will pass". Merry Christmas! May you have a new year of health and happiness!

    1. So true Mariann. This has forever changed her and, in so many ways it has been for the better. She is an amazing young woman. Olivia has seen your comment and is so touch by your and everyone else reaching out. Thank you :-)

  4. Nyssa Carrier (Kirarachu on YT)December 20, 2014 at 10:20 PM

    Dear Olivia, you are indeed fighting the good fight. I'm so glad that you are finally enjoying the much earned pleasures that come with you getting one year through your illness and all the treatments that come with it. What you're going through will make you the toughest, strongest, most resilient woman imaginable, despite how hard it can be now. I am going through my own health battle at the moment, I'm in the diagnosis stage and I pray that I will get through my journey as well as you have gotten through yours. Never give up Olivia, there is a world full of light you'll come into once all this cancer business is done and dusted. Keep on, keeping on! Merry Christmas from Australia xoxo

    1. Oh Nyssa, I am so sorry to hear that you are going through your own battle with your health. I have no doubt with your positive spirit that you will make it through but, I pray that you will make it through this as easily as possible. Thank you so very much for taking the time to write to encourage Olivia. She has seen your comment and is so touch by your and everyone else reaching out. Thank you :-)

  5. Lovely to hear from you Olivia! Glad to see that you are so positive, you're such a strong and brave girl. Hope you and your family have a great Christmas xxx

    1. Thank you so very much Lydia. Olivia has seen your comment and is so touch by your and everyone else reaching out. Thank you :-)

  6. Olivia: I am a faithful follower of your Aunt Elle - been keeping up with you cause I have a grown son who has gone thru so much of what you describe! We are going into year 7 now and he's still here and fighting!!!! Don't Give Up! We ALL care !!!! Love and hugs from another "Elle" in Dallas Texas!!!!!!

    1. Oh Elle, I know that your son is still going through so much and how hard that is on you. I think of him/you often. Olivia has seen your comment and is so touch by your and everyone else reaching out. Thank you so much for your encouragement. xoxo

  7. Dear Olivia,
    It is unimaginable to me that someone your age has gone through so much in such a short amount of time, more so than most of us will ever have to go through in a lifetime. You have gone to the edge and come back stronger, braver, and more resilient than people four times your age. You are a force to be reckoned with Olivia, both you and your mom because as a mother I know she has been through "hades" watching her baby go through this battle. God bless you both and all who love you!

    1. Thank you so very much Tracy. Olivia has seen your comment and is so touch by your and everyone else reaching out. Thank you :-) I hope that you have a wonderful holiday season and we truly appreciate your words of encouragement. xoxo

  8. Olivia, It's so good to see your beautiful face, I have been praying for you, as is my Mom, she has been saying Novena's for you, and she asks about you all the time, she has Alzheimer's and she remembers you! I am so glad you are over the roughest part of your struggle, you are an inspiration to everyone <3

    1. Olivia has seen your comment and is so touch by your and everyone else reaching out. Thank you :-) It is amazing that your Mom remembers Olivia. Tell her she says thank you so much for her prayers. Wishing you and your family a wonderful holiday season. xoxo

  9. Olivia, you are a warrior! So happy to hear and see how well you are doing. You've been so brave and an inspiration to so many people including me. Wishing you and your family the best Christmas and New Year celebrations ever! Praying for a speedy full recovery for you, dear! xoxo

    1. Thank you so much Amanda. I told Olivia who you are and she saw your comment. Thank you so much for your encouragement and prayers for her. Love you so much and I hope that you are having a super happy holidays. xoxo

  10. Olivia, I'm thrilled that you're doing so well. What a beautiful spirit!!

    1. Olivia has read all of these comments and is so touched by your encouragement. Thank you so very much. xoxo

  11. So happy to hear you are feeling better. God bless you!
    - Linda, ny

    1. Thank you so very much Linda for taking the time to encourage Olivia. We truly appreciate it. xoxo

  12. Olivia , sorry I'm just now seeing this , I have to say sweet girl I could not be happier if you were my own , it's evident you are a very sweet , intelligent loving young woman and I'm thrilled that you are doing so well , I have four daughters of my own as well as I'm a RN , one of my daughters has been through a severe illness as well so we are all too familiar with illness like what you've gone through , I wish you all the best in the upcoming year and you will be able to follow your dreams ! May God continue to bless you and hold you tight ! Xo your a beautiful girl , you'll go far !

    1. Thank you so much for your comment Cathey. Olivia is truly amazed at all the people out there who are encouraging her. I know all of the support has made a difference on her journey. Thank you xoxo

  13. Happy New Year Olivia! I've been keeping you and your family in my prayers and I am beyond delighted to see you looking so lovely and happy and reading the news of how things are progressing in such a positive way for you ... in every way! Yes, through the countless tears and physical trials, you are pressing on and you are winning! Please accept a huge virtual hug from me to you and know that you are a blessing to those who love and support you! Cheers little lady and may this year and all those to come be some of the best one could ever imagine!

    1. Thank you so VERY much Jillian for your sweet comment and encouragement. I have emailed it to Olivia. She is so amazed at all the people around the world who are out there following her journey and cheering her on. We believe it has made a difference in her journey. Thank you .xoxo
