In tomorrow's video, you will see this little guy pop in on the left hand side of the screen and then see me and quickly back peddle out again. The sound of his wings seemed really loud to me but they didn't pick up on camera.
For best viewing, click on the first picture and scroll watching the little guy at the left hand side of the screen.
TGIF! Going out for Date Night
It has been
a crazy busy couple of weeks at work (can you tell by my accidentally posting
two videos on the same day…..twice! Oops)
It is not
only Friday but we are in town for the weekend - woohoo!
Mark and I are going out for a date night dinner.
Click on any photo to enlarge
I really love the pattern for the collar (sorry it is sitting funny) as well as the detail around the waist. I have actually crocheted this in several different colors. (Sorry, I couldn’t find the pattern offhand to be able to reference it)
♥ Elle
More pictures of Olivia's vacation in Hawaii
Three of my favorite girls (Olivia on left, my sister Leanne in the middle and my oldest niece Amanda on the right)
Sisters reconnecting and finding out they still are best friends
An amazing girl...
who is ready to show the world all she has to give!
Love you Liv!!!