
Update on Olivia

Olivia just got home from Vancouver mainland from her intense chemo treatment including the lumbar puncture.  My Mum says she is "very very pale".  It generally takes her about a week to recover but I wanted to ask if you could please keep her and my sister Leanne in your thoughts.  They both need all the help they can get during this difficult time.

I also wanted to share with you something Liv wrote to my sister on Mother's Day.  They are both amazing.

to the most beautiful woman I know.
mom you have been there for me since the day I was born. you held my hand and walked me into my first day of kindergarten and you sat by my side for my first dose of chemo. we have been through so much together. you've seen me at my weakest but you've always believed in me. when I got sick, you encouraged me to go for walks to keep the strength in my legs. if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have been on the ice playing AAA hockey this weekend. you've kept me strong and full of courage. whenever I saw you cry, a little more determination built up inside of me each time to get stronger and healthier and show you what I'm really made of. everyone always says that I look more and more like you everyday and I'm so thankful for that. thank you for always being by my side mom. I love you. happy Mother's Day

Elle's Life April

Here are a few snippets of my month that I didn't share in my April Favorites video.

I was fortunate enough to get together with Stacy (she used to have a YT channel called Sunny Side Make Up).  Stacy is doing well and says to say hi to everyone.  We had a wonderful time catching up. 

One of the fabulous women in my book club got me these hilarious note cards.  

Mark continues to do our centerpieces.  I loved this Easter one so much I kept it up all month! 

The prednisone really takes a toll on Olivia as they cause sleepless nights, sore legs, difficulty to focus.  Still, she knows this is all happening for a reason and is so strong.  

These pictures show her outer beauty but nothing can capture her amazing inner beauty.

I absolutely love living in Arizona.  I don't go in the pool under 82 but, it won't be long till it is warm enough!

We eat late so the weather is perfect for bbqing and eating outside.  Mark is the BEST bbq'er ever....let me know if you want a video on his bbq tips & techniques.

Joann's had a sale and it seems every girlfriend I know is pregnant, so I ordered some yarn for baby afghans. I think the sale is over but you can use promo code PNAS135 for free shipping if you order over $50.  Hopefully you will be seeing lots of finished afghans in future! :-)