
A Thank You and OOTD

We are going through the natural stages of grief but, we are healing. As my wise Mum says "life goes on." 

Much like our weather which starts off stormy (shot taken this morning)

and then turns beautiful and sunny, I have moments of consuming grief and moments of laughter. 

I am so deeply moved by all of the amazing love and support on the video I posted yesterday on the passing of our sweet baby boy Ozzy. Mark & I both read through all the comments and cried and marvelled at what amazing good hearts were reaching out to us with tears, hugs and love. Thank you!

I figured sharing an OOTD was a light and easy way to get back into the swing of things so here we go.

I don't normally wear shorts, especially when going out for dinner but, I thought these were so cute.

I love Fridays. The anticipation of the weekend lies ahead. 

Mark will be home early, we will hang out together for a while and catch-up and then head out for a late dinner. This wrap should work perfectly in the restaurant.

Don't tell but, it is a swimsuit cover-up!

I normally don't know where you can purchase the items I show as I get them from my girlfriend but, my purse and my shoes came from JustFab.

Let me know if you want a video on JustFab as I think they are great but, definitely wait for one of their sales! I thought the laces of these shoes were adorable and worked well with the pattern of the shorts.

What are you up to this weekend?  Whatever it is, know that you have reached out across the miles and touched my life and made my world a better place by comforting me during this difficult time. Thank you. I wish each and every one of you a fabulous weekend.  

MUCH love to you all, 


  1. Thank you Elle, for sharing ozzy with us so we can remember him too. :) and you look beautiful in that outfit! Gorgeous, wow those are some amazing shoes! - Kelly martinez

    1. Thank you so much for your sweet words Kelly. I hope you are having a fabulous day xoxo
