
I Have Sjogren's Syndrome

UPDATE: My dr has just come out with an online course specifically for Sjogren's and has a >80% success rate. It is $97 which is an amazing price to be able to get your health back: 

I wanted to share something that is pretty major in my life and yet, I also don't want to make into a big deal. I have Sjogren's Syndrome. This was a difficult video for me to make as, I am so positive and upbeat but, I wanted to be open and honest about how difficult this has been. I know without a doubt that I will deal with this, learn and most importantly hopefully help others and that is what will make this worthwhile.  Thank you for sharing my journey with me.


  1. Hi Elle I have sjogrens I have had for along time now .My eyes are very dry really just my left eye and sometimes I wake up with my mouth so dry my tongue sticks to the roof of my mouth. Over the summer my Rheumatologist thought I was getting Lupus but I took a special blood test which just came out with Rheumatoid and sjgroens I also have candies or gum on hand and water lots of water.I am on plaquenil or hydroxychloriquin. Cant wait to see your videos

    1. Oh Cathy, I am so sorry to hear this. It amazes me how many people suffer from this. I truly hope that my videos give you some tips that might help you and that you have more good days than bad! xoxo

  2. Dear Ellen, I saw your video and I am grateful for your openness. I have had dry eyes for 6 months, as well as dry mouth and other noticeable symptoms. I am very afraid of this disease and its progressive course. Could you please write me the steps from your treatment again? I'm afraid that my tear glands will break if I don't treat them.

    Thanks a lot and Greets from Germany

    1. Hi Christiane - I am so sorry that you are going through this. I am going to put a few links that I hope will help you. You CAN HEAL! Whatever you do, do NOT give up! Look at what caused this (diet? mold? exposure to something else?). I hope these links help you: you can 'right arrow' to go through any videos in this playlist you want to skip. Some are how to mask/cope with the symptoms and some are how to fix the root cause: My dr also does phone appointments and that is what got me 80% healed. I wish you good health and would love if you keep me posted. ♥

  3. Thank you very much for the encouraging words! I admire your path, which could only be done with a lot of determination and discipline! I am struggling with fear a lot these days. Since it feels so bad with the eyes, I fear damage to the eye. But your eye problems are also 80 percent better. I also have gastrointestinal problems. Maybe that's the cause. I will consult the doctor. Thank you very much!!!

    1. The castor oil drops helped tremendously with my eyelids sticking to my eyeballs at night. FYI, my eye problems are 100% better. Your gut is DEFINITELY related to what is going on. Mine was caused by being vegan. When I started eating meat I got to 80% better. I still had to fix my gut (and that was tricky) but am now so grateful to be 100%. I remember the fear of not knowing how I would be each day, if I would get continually worse and having know control. When you start healing you will lose the fear and get determined too. I know so many people on here with similar stories so do not give up! You CAN heal and get your life back. ♥

    2. I thank you so much for encouraging! I will start taking care of my gut. I read an article about microbiotics in connection to autoimmunes.

      I think healing journey is a long road. But fear feeds the pain and pain feeds the fear. Its a visious cycle.

    3. Most folks have a SIGNIFICANT improvement pretty quickly once they figure out the problem (my dr helped me to get to about 80% within 2 days of my phone call with him) but the last bit is tricky. That being said, seeing 'healing' gives hope and takes away the fear. You will realize that it is in your control but just takes some detective work. Do you know the root cause (are you vegan? been around mold?) My Dr has some great articles on his website Keep me posted as you work through this and don't give up!

  4. Thanks, Ellen! At these days I am completely scared about my eye situation. The lids are red. Its s huge inflammation in my eyes. Burning and irritated. It makes me feel afraid, I feel out of control.:-(

    My eating wasnt very good in the past 2 years. A lot of fastfood and Softdrinks. I wrote a message to your doctor on Instagram.

    I pray to god, this disease will have an end! I will follow your tips.


    1. I completely understand the fear and remember it well. I would recommend booking an appointment for a phone consult with my dr online (I think it is $90 U.S.) If you have fixed your diet (focus a lot of red meat, duck fat, eggs, take a good Grass Fed Beef liver and get a lot of sleep. Dr A will probably ask a lot of questions and recommend a few things that will hopefully help to fix your gut. You can mask problems temporarily (like the castor oil drops in the eyes) but this is gut related and you will heal from the inside out. I will have you in my prayers so please keep me posted. ♥

    2. Thanks dear Elle, how long have you been suffering from dry eye before starting ypur healing journey? It"s almost a year for me now and I feel anxious about getting more worse. I don't want to think about destroying tear glands. I start by follow your advise now and make an appointment with your doctor. Thank you so much for prayers! Lot's of love Christiane

    3. I had symptoms for 6 months but then got SIGNIFICANTLY worse very rapidly (my eyelids stuck to my eyeballs at night, so much trouble swallowing, bleeding throat from the dryness etc.) I truly pray that my Dr can help you like he did me. Please keep me posted Christiane as I will be praying for you and watching for updates. ♥

  5. That sounds really terrible! So bad to go through this. I have to drip every hour at the moment, but of course it's not the quality of life. Conventional medicine describes it as incurable. But I think that doesn't have to be true. I will now start with step 1. Bases / acid balance in the stomach / intestinal flora. After a year of treatment and diet, did you feel better again? Do you still have to use eye drops today? Thank you for everything from the bottom of my heart!

  6. I am really scared, if I have zo live like this forever:-(

    1. You don't have to live like this forever. I remember the fear. I told you about my journey as it was BAD and now I am working a high stress job running 11 companies! I never thought I would heal and yet here I am. Please make an appointment with my doctor and you will start on your road of healing as well. ♥

  7. I feel sick because of this illness. I am afraid to get knowledge of my eye situation from doctor. Maybe the tearglands got destroyed. :-( I dont eat sugar and gluten anymore. I wish to feel better and don't know how.

    1. Were you able to make an appointment with my dr or another Functional Dr? A conventional dr will recommend all kinds of crazy things (one told me they needed to put tubes in my tear ducts!). A Functional or Chinese Dr will heal you from the inside out.

  8. Unfortunately, one reads that the tear glands are damaged in Sjogren's syndrome. I wonder how then the balance of tear production can be restored. Did you also have few or no more tears? I haven't found an alternative medicine doctor yet. Are the glands inflamed in the disease?

    1. I was told I had damaged tear glands and they wanted to do surgery to put tiny tubes in my glands to see if they could repair them. That was the day I walked away from regular doctors. That wouldn't fix the root cause and I had no interest in their 'guesses'. If you truly want to fix things, you have to find a Functional Dr. Set up a phone appointment with mine:
