
Betaine - A Miracle Cure for Allergies And So Much More!

I have found a NATURAL CURE for allergies for less than $10. If that isn't enough, it also aids with digestion, sleep, clear thinking, energy, bloating and makes me feel so good and healthy. Betaine.

Gut Connection
I have long known that the gut is responsible for so much in our bodies. If you google "gut biome + auto immune" (or whatever your ailment) you will find there is probably a correlation and they are doing scientific studies on the connection and cure. It is the latest area of exciting scientific discovery. I knew this but this cure proved it to me. I have been struggling with allergies and that led me to learning about gut alkaline vs acid. I had no idea that not only would it cure my allergies but, all the other things it would help including giving me energy!

This product claims to help you sleep better, have more energy, cure allergies, make you regular, aids in digestion, helps with weight loss, aids in absorption of minerals, gets rid of acid reflux / GERD / bloating, helps with Hashimoto's, performs miracles....oh wait. It does do everything I listed except that last one...although if you haven't felt well, it could feel like it does perform miracles to you the same way that it did to me!

Betaine is a natural acid your stomach produces but, due to age, diet, stress and other factors, your body produces less acid and your stomach ends up too alkaline. You lose 1% of your stomach’s ability to produce HCL every year, so by the time you are 60, your HCL is 60% lower than when you were born! Now add in the diet and stress factors!

Think You Have Too Much Acid?  Think Again
Even people who think they have too much acid and take Tums or other antacids could benefit from this. When a stomach does not empty correctly due to being too alkaline, partly digested carbohydrates and proteins that have started to ferment in the stomach will back up into the esophagus—this is frequently misinterpreted by uninformed individuals and physicians as too much stomach acid. It is estimated that at least half of people on antacids actually have alkaline stomachs and need betaine acid!

Why Stomach Acid Is Needed?
 • Absorption of at least eight essential nutrients are dependent on adequate stomach acid: calcium, vitamins B9 and 12, magnesium, zinc, iron, vitamin C, and beta carotene
• Absorption of the antioxidant vitamins A and E, putting you at greater risk of oxidative stress and chronic inflammation
• Breakdown of protein for use in tissue and muscle synthesis (have you ever had problems digesting meat or a heavy meal?)
• Activation of enzymes, hormones, and neurotransmitters
• Prevention of bacterial pathogens from going into the lower GI tract, causing infection, and putting you at risk of disease and stomach cancer


Simple At Home Test
1. Mix 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda in 4-6 ounces of cold water first thing in the morning n a completely empty stomach
2. Drink the baking soda solution.
3. Time how long it takes you to belch.
If you have not belched within five minutes stop timing.

People with healthy stomach acid will burp before the first 3 minutes. If you don't belch in the first 3 minutes, you have low stomach acid and would benefit from Betaine. .

The above test is not 100% reliable. I think a better test is if mosquitoes bite you. If they do, you probably need betaine. I found it fascinating how once I got my stomach more acidic, that it was almost like an invisible forcefield around me where mosquitoes would hover but rarely ever bit me!

This is the brand of Beaine I ordered (read the reviews - I am not alone in thinking this stuff is incredible!)

To Take Betaine:
Day 1: After a FULL meal (with protein), take 1 capsule. If you notice a warming in your stomach, cut back on your dose. If you don't notice a warming, add an additional pill. Keep doing this till you feel a warming and then cut back by one pill but do not exceed 5 pills (example: if you increase to 4 pills and feel a warming, then your correct dose is 3 pills). Always take with a meal with protein Listen to your body and again, test with urine ph strips to know your levels.

My Results
It has 100% cured my allergiesI no longer take any drugs - no Zyrtec, Benadryl, Allegra, Claritin, nasal spray...nadda! From day one, I have had no hayfever. I originally took this for my hayfever, but now realize how my stomach acid being off impacted my body in so many other ways!  I now have loads of energy, sleeping well, clear mind and feel fabulous. For less than $10 a bottle, this may be the best investment I have ever made!

I would recommend not taking probiotics or biome or anything to help bacteria grow until you fix your gut - as otherwise you are encouraging bacteria to grow in the wrong area. Once you take betaine and fix your gut so the digestion gets everything to the large intestine where it is supposed to be, then you can take probiotics etc.

Betaine not only helps allergies but EVERYTHING that is impacted in your body by not getting proper nutrients such as:

Sleeping problems
Hair loss
Dry Eyes (Sjogren's!)
Dry Mouth (Sjogren's!)
Gait Problems
Burning MouthMemory Problems / Fog
Fatigue (A lot of auto immunes!)

Things to note/When to stop
My typical dosage was 2 at lunch (the first time I eat) and 3 at dinner. At first I got a really good energy and my mind was clear. It changed about 2 weeks in and I went from good energy to having too much energy. I was waking up after 4 or 5 hours sleep and couldn't get back to sleep. I also got dark under eye circles. These things are a sign that my gut was too acidic. I stopped the betaine and within 3 or 4 days, I maintained all the positive symptoms and the negative symptoms disappeared. I have zero allergies, dry eyes, dry mouth and have good energy with a clear focused mind while being able to sleep soundly at night and my dark circles have disappeared. I am trying to maintain my newfound balanced gut ph by eating beets, cabbage (if you like sauerkraut, that is good for your gut ph but I don't like it lol!) and putting apple cider vinegar in my water and drinking the occasional kambucha. I don't know if I will need to do another round if betaine bi-weekly, once a month, once a quarter or ??? If I start having allergies, dry eyes or mouth then I will do another round.  Basically, listen to your body.

I hope that this helps you as much as it has helped me! If you try this, please share your results as I truly hope that it helps others! As always, check with your doctor.


  1. thank you so much for articule very helpful

  2. Elli,
    Can I take this if I have Gastritis? I had a phone call
    With DR A.
    He recommended me to take ashwaganda, melia, coptisGolden thread. Not sure if there is any interaction with Betaine?

    1. I don't know if it interacts with anything you are taking or with gastritis. I would follow what Dr A told you and ask him the next time about Betaine. I hope that he helps you as much as he did me!

  3. Great info! I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don’t know what to say except that I have. betain-hci-650mg-180-tabletten

  4. Hi Elle, I discovered you from your Youtube channel & it has really helped me understand a ton about autoimmune disease.

    Right now I'm in a state of panic! I'm having symptoms of sever dry mouth, as well as a feeling like there's a lump in my throat, a tight feeling in my throat, all of that accompanied by a dry throat and silent GERD symptoms, too.

    Mrs. Elle, although I haven't been officially diagnosed with Sjogrens, my blood test came up high on white blood cell count, and also my kidney function was below normal. My Nurse Practitioner tells me just because my labs returned negative for Lupus, then I couldn't possibly have SS. I don't know how to get her to listen to me. I'm planning a surprise visit tomorrow morning and I will be demanding additional testing.

    Elle, I realize you get a lot of request on here and your YT channel, but I'd really like to know what ways you completely cured your dry mouth symptoms? Was it the betain supplements? Dry eyes I pretty much don't experience, mainly the dry throat and mouth.

    Thanks so much for reading and for your time.

    1. I am so sorry you are going through this Shelly. I would recommend not worrying about what label/diagnosis they do or don't put on it. I would focus on how you feel as that is what matters. I would also ask you why you think this has happened. Are you vegan? That is what caused it with me. This blog post may help you: You want to try to figure out the cause to fix that. I can pretty much guarantee that whatever the cause, it has weakened your gut and you have SIBO and or leaky gut. That is fixable but takes a bit. I hope that blog post helps but let me know how you are doing. I will be sending prayers to you. ♥

  5. Good evening, Mrs. Elle.

    Thanks so much for your response. Now I'll admit that over the years, I've let myself go quite a bit. Due to depression and having bouts of anxiety including panic attacks, I was really miserable. In fact, after doing a bit of extensive research, I decided to cut myself completely off of gluten a few years ago. I learned that gluten can cause all sorts of psychological issues in some people, and I did get better afterwards in some areas. I've had some slip ups here and there, but for the most part I try to read all of labels before buying anything.

    Unfortunately, I am a diabetic and it's been hell trying to properly manage it. My hand joints hurt, a lot of days I just don't feel like I can get out of bed. Terrible back aches, and just feel run down most of the time.

    I went to visit my doctor yesterday, well she's actually a nurse practitioner, but she did finally agree to send over a referral to see a rheumatologists. Also ordered more blood work.

    I'm starting to really panic, and I wish I could put a stop to it. I'm going to head over to your channel and subscribe. I thought I was subscribed already, but it says that I wasn't. My handle name on Youtube is "snowblo1" and I have a picture of the cutest brown Chihuahua that's wearing a curly blonde wig, LOL.

    I can't tell you how much it means to me that I've found your videos and blog.

    Hope you're having a great start if the week so far, Elle!

    💘 💘 💘 & kindness

    1. Oh Shelly, I am so sorry for what you are going through. I remember how it felt to be so sick and hurting and thinking my life was going to be like that forever. Do NOT give up hope. If I could encourage you to look at alternative remedies as well. If you aren't familiar with Dr Berg you can search and watch his channels on diabetes and other things. I don't think you need to buy any supplements from him but a LOT of his remedies are foods (which I love). Also, if you have a naturopath or Functional Dr near you, they may be able to help you as well. Whatever you do, do NOT give up. It may be a gradual road of recovery but, you CAN get your health back. ♥

  6. Hi there, again!

    Oh yes, I just wanted to add that you're absolutely correct about the leaky gut, and I love when you say the belly is like our 2nd brain. Boy oh boy that's so true.

    Speaking of bellies, another thing that I'm not so proud of, especially with being a woman, is that my stomach is somewhat extended and larger in size that I would like. I've just started to take action with trying to lose this by committing to a 16:8 type schedule of intermittent fasting. And even though I'm feeling a tiny bit better since starting this a few weeks ago, I'm still filled with anxiety ridden issues & all that come along with that. The periodic panic attacks & suicidal thoughts. I honestly don't believe that I'm getting enough magnesium or D & B type vitamins. And I suffer from PCOS as well. I'm 48 and have never conceived. Think I need probiotics of some sort. I"m really trying to figure this out here...

    ...Someone was telling me to check out the Candida diet. That & totally cutting out sugar (which I have for the most part) they said would be extremely beneficial.

    At any rate, I had gotten distracted earlier during my previous post, but I'm going to click the link that you provided in your reply. I can't wait to thoroughly go through your entire blog & get caught up on your videos.

    Thanks again, Mrs. Elle! So sorry for the back to back post.

    xoxo Shelly xoxo
