
Healthy Vegetable Soup

This can be as low cal (eliminate oil and cheese and use low fat milk) or as rich as you want. Either way it is delicious! It is easy, makes a lot and freezes well.



 1 medium head of cauliflower ,  1/4 reserved for soup in pieces and rough chop the rest including stalk 

4 large zucchinis peeled , reserve 2 for soup, 2 peeled and cut into 1.5cm / 3/5" slices

2 large onion, 1 reserved for soup , roughly chopped (brown, white, yellow)

3 garlic cloves , 1 reserved for soup, the other whole for the broth

2 cups (500 ml) vegetable or chicken broth

2 cups (500 ml) water

1 cup (250 ml) milk or half and half

1/2 tsp each garlic powder and onion powder (or 1 tsp of one of them)

Pinch black pepper


1 tbsp olive oil

reserved garlic clove , minced

reserved onion , chopped (brown, white, yellow)

2 large carrots , cut into 1.25cm / 1/2" pieces

3 celery sticks , cut into 0.75cm / 1/4" slices

2 red capsicum / bell peppers , cut into 1 cm / 2/5" pieces

reserved 2 large peeled zucchinis, cut into 1.25cm / 1/2" slices

Optional veggies - sliced mushrooms, broccoli (basically throw in anything you have in the fridge!) 

Spinach (I added when serving the soup to keep it fresh) 

1/2 1 tsp dried thyme

Salt and pepper

Finely chopped parsley , optional garnish

Cheese, I like Romano Parmesan blend 




Take rough chopped cauliflower for broth and put in a large pot. Add 2 peeled zucchini, onion, whole garlic cloves, vegetable broth and water (it won't completely cover and that is ok). 

Place lid on, bring to boil then adjust heat so it's simmering energetically. Cook for 15 minutes or until cauliflower is soft.

Cool slightly and transfer to blender, add garlic powder, onion powder, pepper and milk. Place lid on, place tea towel on lid and hold down very firmly, then whizz to puree soup, starting on low then getting faster. 



Heat oil in a large pot over medium high heat. Add onion and garlic, cook for 1 minute. Then add carrots and celery, cook for 2 minutes.

Add thyme, tarragon, red pepper and zucchini. Cook until softened, around 2 minutes.

Pour in soup broth. Adjustment consistency with water to achieve desired thickness. Add reserved cauliflower and any optional vegetables (I reserve spinach).

Simmer 5 minutes to bring flavors together. In bowl, add some spinach and stir. Season with salt and pepper. Serve with cheese on top. 

This is excellent with a slice of toasted Dave's Killer Bread - YUM!


Caldo de Pollo Recipe

This soup is very fresh and clean tasting - the chicken broth is the star of the show along with the fresh toppings. 

In my opinion, you HAVE to use bone-in chicken to get the flavor from the marrow

Safflower petals are considered the "poor man's saffron". They are also referred to as "Mexican, Spanish or Persian Saffron" or "Red Saffron". You don't need much to add that silky smooth rich flavor but it makes a huge difference. Yes, you can definitely substitute saffron, it is just more expensive.

Elle's Caldo de Pollo Recipe

1 fryer chicken, chopped up (you can use bone in legs, breast, etc.) about 3-4 pounds
8 cups of water 
2 teaspoons of salt 
1 tsp pepper

1 to 2 c Swanson chicken broth (I freeze mine which helps to cool the broth)
1 garlic clove peeled 
1/4 tsp strands safflower petals if you aren't bothered by MSG, this is a great price even though it isn't pure/fresh like the safflower it still works.
1/4 tsp oregano 
3 Celery stalks, sliced 
3 Large carrots peeled and cut into 3" pieces each 
1 potato, cut into 6 large pieces 
1 to 2 zucchini, cut in large pieces

avocado diced, optional 
½ white onion finely chopped 
1 lime, halved and squeezed into soup
¼ cup Cilantro chopped 
1/4 c tomatoes, diced 
sliced jalapeno or a few drops of siracha, optionals

Serve with Warm tortillas or tortilla chips, optional

For the broth, put chicken in a large stock pot. You can brown with oil first if you want. You could also add some large pieces of onion, celery and carrot to the stock. Cover with water. Add S&P and cover with lid. Bring to a soft boil and then reduce heat to simmer until chicken is tender and falling from bones.

Drain into a colander, reserving broth. Let both meat and broth cool. Add chicken broth to the stock. Once cool, skim fat off of the top. Take meat in the colander off of the bones and return to the empty stock pot. Return skimmed broth to the stock pot.

Add seasonings and celery and large carrots to stock pot and simmer for 5 to 10 minutes to soften. Add potato and simmer an additional 5 to 10 minutes. Add zucchini when only 10 to 15 minutes simmering left.

Serve with garnish on top of soup. You can serve this with corn or flour tortillas or tortilla chips if desired.

December Scriptures

Do not be anxious about anything, 
but in every situation, by prayer and petition, 
with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 
~Philippians 4:6
 (this seems to be a regular scripture 
that I include, as it is so good) 
Can any one of you by worrying 
add a single hour to your life? 
~Matthew 6:27 

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, 
for tomorrow will worry about itself. 
Each day has enough trouble of its own 
~Matthew 6:34 

Cast all your anxiety on him 
because he cares for you. 
~1 Peter 5:7 

“I have told you these things, 
so that in me you may have peace. 
In this world you will have trouble. 
But take heart! I have overcome the world.” 
~John 16:33

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, 
give thanks in all circumstances; 
for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. 
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18  

Praise the Lord, my soul, 
and forget not all his benefits 
~Psalms 103:2 

This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.
~Psalm 118:24

I am not saying this because I am in need, 
for I have learned to be content 
whatever the circumstances. 
~Philippians 4:11 

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, 
give thanks in all circumstances; 
for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18