
April Scriptures

History merely repeats itself. 
It has all been done before. 
Nothing under the sun is truly new. 
Ecclesiastes 1:9

Sometimes people say, “Here is something new!” 
But actually it is old; nothing is ever truly new.
Ecclesiastes 1:10

We don’t remember what happened in the past, 
and in future generations, no one will 
remember what we are doing now.
Ecclesiastes 1:11

Praise the Lord! Praise God in his sanctuary; 
 praise him in his mighty heaven! 
Psalm 150:1 

Praise him for his mighty works; 
 praise his unequaled greatness! 
Psalm 150:2

Praise him with a blast of the ram’s horn; 
 praise him with the lyre and harp! 
Psalm 150:3

Praise him with the tambourine and dancing; 
 praise him with strings and flutes! 
Psalm 150:4

Praise him with a clash of cymbals; 
 praise him with loud clanging cymbals. 
Psalm 150:5

Let everything that breathes sing praises to the Lord!
Psalm 150:6

If you need wisdom, ask our 
generous God, and he will give it to you. 
He will not rebuke you for asking. 
James 1:5

I give you thanks, O Lord, with all my heart; 
 I will sing your praises before the gods. 
Psalm 138:1 

I bow before your holy Temple as I worship. 
 I praise your name for your unfailing love 
and faithfulness; for your promises 
are backed by all the honor of your name. 
Psalm 138:2

This is what the Lord says: 
“Be just and fair to all. 
Do what is right and good, 
for I am coming soon to rescue you 
and to display my righteousness among you.
Isaiah 56:1

So we praise God for the glorious grace 
he has poured out on us who belong 
to his dear Son.
Ephesians 1:6

He is so rich in kindness and grace 
that he purchased our freedom 
with the blood of his Son and forgave our sins. 
Ephesians 1:7

He has showered his kindness on us, 
along with all wisdom and understanding.
Ephesians 1:8

As soon as I pray, you answer me; 
 you encourage me by giving me strength.
Psalm 138:3

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