
Elle's Easy Egg Drop Soup

This is going to be in a bonus video I am putting out next Thursday so I wanted to make sure to share the recipe beforehand. I frequently double this recipe. It is so fast and delicious!

The eggs and green onion are added at the end. This is super flavorful. Note: I didn't have Sherry so used Marsala instead - either works.

I just love how the flavors come together. I always serve this when I make wontons.


Elle's Easy Egg Drop Soup
Servings: 2
  • 2 1/2 C Chicken Broth
  • 1 Tbsp Cornstarch + 2 Tbsp water
  • ginger
  • dash pepper
  • 1 tsp sherry
  • 1 tsp sesame oil
  • egg beaten
  • green onion, chopped
  1. Bring broth to a boil.
  2. Mix cornstarch & water and add to broth
  3. Add rest of ingredients to oil
  4. Add egg stirring only in one direction
  5. Dish up and serve with green onion on top


Elle's Easy Chia Seed Fruit Bars

Healthy, tasty and not messy - yup, these are the greatest fruit bars! They are also super easy to make and freeze well. These are a staple that I always have on hand. I keep extra in the freezer in a ziplock baggie for grab-and-go snacks.

It doesn't look to pretty when you first mix it but it all comes together when you added the dry ingredients.

Get creative with the seeds/nuts that you use. My favorites are using a combination of sunflower and walnut.

These are "no mess" so they are great to throw a few in a baggie and grab as you are on your way out the door as they don't fall apart or leave your hands sticky! I love to grab these to eat in the car.

Elle's Easy Chia Seed Fruit Bars


Servings: 30 bars
  • 2 frozen and thawed bananas
  • 3 C frozen fruit, thawed (blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, cherries)
  • 1/2 C Chia Seeds
  • 2 Tbsp flax seed
  • 1 C rolled oats
  • 1 C seeds or nuts of your choice
  • Stevia if desired (see my notes)
  1. Microwave the frozen fruit 3 to 4 minutes, stirring every minute, until thawed.
  2. Mix with an immersion blender, blend fruit until it breaks down.
  3. Add rest of ingredients to bowl and mix
  4. Let sit on counter for 30 minutes - this allows the chia seeds to thicken the mixture
  5. Put in lightly greased pan(s) spread out to about 1/2 to 3/4" thick.
  6. Bake 350 for 20 minutes
  7. Let cool completely before cutting in to bars. Put in ziplock bag and grab for a quick easy snack.
  • - Use 5C fruit (each banana counts as 1 C). If I use more bananas and less berries, I find it needs stevia. More berries and less banana (as written above) means I don't think it needs stevia. Adjust to your taste. I have made it with between 1 and 3 bananas but think 2 bananas is my favorite.

August Scriptures

He will flatter and win over those 
who have violated the covenant. 
 But the people who know their God 
will be strong and will resist him. 
Daniel 11:32 

Dear friends, do not be surprised at 
the fiery ordeal that has come on you to test you, 
as though something strange were happening to you. 
But rejoice inasmuch as you participate 
in the sufferings of Christ, 
so that you may be overjoyed 
when his glory is revealed. 
If you are insulted because of the name of Christ, 
you are blessed, 
for the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you. 
if you suffer as a Christian, 
do not be ashamed, 
but praise God that you bear that name. 
For it is time for judgment to begin 
with God’s household; 
and if it begins with us, 
what will the outcome be for those who do not 
obey the gospel of God? 
 1 Peter 4:12

This same Good News that came to you 
is going out all over the world. 
It is bearing fruit everywhere 
by changing lives, 
just as it changed your lives from the day 
you first heard and understood the truth 
about God’s wonderful grace. 
Colossians 1:6

For I am not ashamed of the gospel, 
 because it is the power of God 
 that brings salvation to everyone who believes: 
 first to the Jew, then to the Gentile. 
Romans 1:16

Then the man of lawlessness will be revealed, 
 but the Lord Jesus will slay him 
 with the breath of his mouth 
 and destroy him 
 by the splendor of his coming. 
2 Thessalonians 2:8 

Yes, and the Lord will deliver me 
 from every evil attack 
 and will bring me safely into his heavenly Kingdom. 
All glory to God forever and ever! Amen. 
2 Timothy 4:18 

And I am convinced that
nothing can ever separate 
us from God’s love. 
 Neither death nor life, 
 neither angels nor demons, 
neither our fears for today 
 nor our worries about tomorrow— 
not even the powers of hell 
 can separate us from God’s love. 
Romans 8:38

Such people will not be overcome by evil. 
 Those who are righteous will be long remembered. 
They do not fear bad news; 
 they confidently trust the Lord to care for them. 
They are confident and fearless and 
can face their foes triumphantly 
Psalm 112:6-8

When I said, “My foot is slipping,” 
 your unfailing love, Lord, supported me. 
 When anxiety was great within me, 
 your consolation brought me joy. 
 Can a corrupt throne be allied with you— 
 a throne that brings on misery by its decrees? 
The wicked band together against the righteous 
 and condemn the innocent to death. 
 But the Lord has become my fortress, 
 and my God the rock in whom I take refuge. 
 He will repay them for their sins 
 and destroy them for their wickedness; 
 the Lord our God will destroy them. 
 Psalm 94:18-23

We can rejoice, too, 
 when we run into problems and trials, 
 for we know that they help us develop endurance. 
Romans 5:3

And this is the plan: 
 At the right time he will bring everything together 
 under the authority of Christ— 
everything in heaven and on earth. 
 Ephesians 1:10

The Lord will rescue me from
every evil attach and
will bring me safely to
his heavenly kingdom.
To him be glory for ever and ever. 
2 Timothy 4:18

Oh, the joys of those who 
do not follow the advice of the wicked, 
or stand around with sinners, 
 or join in with mockers. 
But they delight in the law of the Lord, 
 meditating on it day and night. 
Psalm 1:1-2

However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; 
 my only aim is to finish the race and 
 complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me— 
the task of testifying 
to the good news of God’s grace. 
Acts 20:24