
Make Your Own Oat Milk

I am notorious for buying poor quality milk. It usually has a lot of bad ingredients but, in my defense, it tastes great!😂 I don't drink a lot of milk but do have it every day in my coffee and occasionally mixed with my OWYN chocolate protein powder. I did some research and oat milk is so easy to make. You can also adjust the flavorings to your desired taste.

Servings: (makes 1 litre of oat milk)
  • 1/2 cup (50g) rolled oats (gluten free or any other types will do)
  • 4 C water (at room temperature)
  • salt
  • vanilla
  • cinnamon or other spice
  • stevia or honey
  1. Combine ingredients in a blender and blend for one minute (until oats are very fine and well mixed).
  2. Strain through a fine mesh fabric (like cheesecloth).
  3. Squeeze out all liquid from the oat residue (but not too much or you’ll get the slime).
  4. Pour in a fridge jug or bottle and consume within a week.
  5. Shake well each time before using.
  • I don't let the oats sit in the water before blending as this makes it slimey. 

The oat milk is thin/watery in texture but it has a rich flavor and feels filling. I love that I always have the ingredients on hand, know exactly what is going in to my milk and it is so easy to make. Let me know if you try this.

Sunday Chat / Scriptures: Living In Love / Unity

Therefore, whenever we 
have the opportunity, 
we should do good to everyone—
especially to those 
in the family of faith. 
Galatians 6:10 

Let everyone see that 
you are considerate in all you do. 
Remember, the Lord is coming soon 
Philippians 4:5

Dear friends, let us continue
to love one another, for love
 comes from God. 
Anyone who loves is a child of God 
and knows God. 
1 John 4:7

“But to you who are willing to listen, 
I say, love your enemies! 
Do good to those who hate you. 
Luke 6:27

 In view of all this, 
make every effort to respond 
to God’s promises. 
Supplement your faith with a 
generous provision 
of moral excellence, 
and moral excellence 
with knowledge, 
and knowledge 
with self-control, 
and self-control 
with patient endurance, 
and patient endurance 
with godliness, 
and godliness 
with brotherly affection, 
and brotherly affection 
with love for everyone.
The more you grow like this, 
the more productive and useful 
you will be in your knowledge of 
our Lord Jesus Christ. 
But those who fail to 
develop in this way 
are shortsighted or blind, 
forgetting that they have 
been cleansed from their old sins. 
2 Peter 1:5-9

 So don’t boast about following a 
particular human leader. 
For everything belongs to you
whether Paul or Apollos or Peter,
or the world, or life and death, 
or the present and the future. 
Everything belongs to you, 
and you belong to Christ, 
and Christ belongs to God. 
1 Corinthians 2:21-23 

If someone says, “I love God,” 
but hates a fellow believer,
that person is a liar; 
for if we don’t love people
we can see, how can we love God, 
whom we cannot see?
1 John 4:20 

Love is patient and kind. 
Love is not jealous or 
boastful or proud 
or rude. It does not demand 
its own way. It is not irritable, 
and it keeps no record of 
being wronged. 
It does not rejoice about injustice 
but rejoices whenever 
the truth wins out. 
Love never gives up, 
never loses faith, 
is always hopeful, 
and endures through 
every circumstance.
1 Corinthians 13:4-7

I appeal to you, 
dear brothers and sisters,
by the authority of 
our Lord Jesus Christ, 
to live in harmony 
with each other. 
Let there be no divisions 
in the church. 
Rather, be of one mind, 
united in thought and purpose. 
1 Corinthians 1:10

For you are still controlled 
by your sinful nature. 
You are jealous of one another and 
quarrel with each other. 
Doesn’t that prove you are controlled 
by your sinful nature? 
Aren’t you living like 
people of the world? 
When one of you says, 
“I am a follower of Paul,” 
and another says, 
“I follow Apollos,” 
aren’t you acting 
just like people of the world? 
After all, who is Apollos? 
Who is Paul? 
We are only God’s servants through 
whom you believed the Good News. 
Each of us did the work 
the Lord gave us.
I planted the seed in your hearts, 
and Apollos watered it, 
but it was God who made it grow. 
It’s not important 
who does the planting, 
or who does the watering. 
What’s important is that 
God makes the seed grow. 
The one who plants 
and the one who waters 
work together with the same purpose. 
And both will be rewarded 
for their own hard work. 
For we are both God’s workers. 
And you are God’s field. 
You are God’s building. 
Because of God’s grace to me, 
I have laid the foundation like 
an expert builder. 
Now others are building on it. 
But whoever is building on 
this foundation must 
be very careful. 
For no one can lay any foundation other 
than the one we 
already have—Jesus Christ. 
1 Corinthians 2:3-11 

 Three things will last forever—
faith, hope, and love—
and the greatest of these is love. 
1 Corinthians 13:13 

Dear friends, let us continue to 
love one another,
 for love comes from God. 
Anyone who loves is a child of God 
and knows God. 
1 John 4:7

Turn away from evil and do good. 
 Search for peace, 
and work to maintain it. 
Psalms 34:14 

 Be on guard. Stand firm in the faith. 
Be courageous. Be strong. 
And do everything with love. 
1 Corinthians 16: 13-14

 Don’t worry about the wicked 
or envy those who do wrong. 
 For like grass, 
they soon fade away. 
 Like spring flowers, 
they soon wither. 
 Trust in the Lord 
and do good. 
 Then you will live safely 
in the land and prosper. 
Take delight in the Lord, 
 and he will give you 
your heart’s desires. 
Commit everything you do 
to the Lord. 
Trust him, and he will help you. 
He will make your innocence 
radiate like the dawn, 
and the justice of your cause will 
shine like the noonday sun. 
Be still in the presence of the Lord, 
and wait patiently for him to act. 
Don’t worry about evil people 
who prosper or fret 
about their wicked schemes. 
Stop being angry! 
Turn from your rage! 
Do not lose your temper— 
it only leads to harm. 
For the wicked will be destroyed, 
but those who trust in the Lord 
will possess the land. 
Psalms 37:1-9

Make it your goal to live a quiet life, 
minding your own business 
and working with your hands, 
just as we instructed you before. 
Then people who are not believers 
will respect the way you live, 
and you will not need 
to depend on others. 
1 Thessalonians 4:11-12

 Don’t just pretend to love others. 
Really love them. 
Hate what is wrong. 
Hold tightly to what is good. 
Love each other with genuine affection,
and take delight in honoring each other. 
Never be lazy, but work hard and 
serve the Lord enthusiastically.
Rejoice in our confident hope. 
Be patient in trouble, 
and keep on praying. 
When God’s people are in need, 
be ready to help them. 
Always be eager to practice hospitality. 
Bless those who persecute you. 
Don’t curse them; 
pray that God will bless them. 
Be happy with those who are happy, 
and weep with those who weep. 
Live in harmony with each other. 
Don’t be too proud to enjoy 
the company of ordinary people. 
And don’t think you know it all! 
Never pay back evil with more evil. 
Do things in such a way 
that everyone can see 
you are honorable. 
Do all that you can to 
live in peace with everyone. 
Dear friends, never take revenge. 
Leave that to 
the righteous anger of God. 
For the Scriptures say, 
“I will take revenge; 
 I will pay them back,” says the Lord. 
Instead, “If your enemies are 
hungry, feed them. 
 If they are thirsty, give them 
something to drink. 
In doing this, 
you will heap burning coals 
of shame on their heads.”
Don’t let evil conquer you,
but conquer evil by doing good. 
Romans 12:9-21

But when you ask him, 
be sure that your faith 
is in God alone. 
Do not waver, for a person 
with divided loyalty is 
as unsettled as a wave 
of the sea that is 
blown and tossed by the wind. 
Such people should not
 expect to receive 
anything from the Lord. 
Their loyalty is divided between 
God and the world, 
and they are unstable 
in everything they do.
James 1:6-8 

So, my dear brothers and sisters, 
be strong and immovable. 
Always work enthusiastically 
for the Lord, 
for you know that nothing you do 
for the Lord is ever useless. 
1 Cor 15:58 

So now I am giving you 
a new commandment: 
Love each other. 
Just as I have loved you, 
you should love each other.
John 13:34