Judas Iscariot - committed suicide
John The Baptist - beheaded for criticizing
Herod Antipas' marriage - the
step-daughter Salome asked for his
head and received it on a platter
Matthew 14: 1-2
Paul - beheaded
Andrew -- crucified
Philip - cruelly put to death
Matthew (Levi) was crucified
Thomas - pierced through
with the spears of four soldiers
Matthew - stabbed to death
Matthais - the apostle chosen to replace
Judas - death by burning
Nathaneal (Barthalomew) was flayed alive
Peter - crucified…upside down
at his request as
he did not feel worthy
to die in the same manner
as the Lord
James - Stoned and then
clubbed to death
Simon - killed after refusing to
sacrifice to the Sun god
Thaddeus (Jude) shot to death with arrows
I want you to know,
my dear brothers and sisters,
that everything that has
happened to me here
has helped to
spread the Good News.
For everyone here,
including the whole palace guard,
knows that I am in chains
because of Christ.
And because of my imprisonment,
most of the believers
here have gained
confidence and boldly
speak God’s message
without fear.
Philippians 1:12-14
For I fully expect and hope that
I will never be ashamed,
but that I will continue
to be bold for Christ,
as I have been in the past.
And I trust that my life
will bring honor to Christ,
whether I live or die.
For to me, living means
living for Christ,
and dying is even better.
But if I live, I can do more
fruitful work for Christ.
So I really don’t know which is better.
I’m torn between two desires:
I long to go and be with Christ,
which would be far better for me.
But for your sakes,
it is better that I continue to live.
Philippians 1:20-24
So, my dear brothers and sisters,
be strong and immovable.
Always work enthusiastically for the Lord,
for you know that nothing you do
for the Lord is ever useless.
1 Corinthians 15:58
I appeal to you, dear brothers and sisters,
by the authority of our Lord Jesus Christ,
to live in harmony with each other.
Let there be no divisions in the church.
Rather, be of one mind,
united in thought and purpose.
1 Corinthians 1:10
Don’t just pretend to love others.
Really love them.
Hate what is wrong.
Hold tightly to what is good.
Love each other with genuine affection,
and take delight in honoring each other.
Never be lazy, but work hard and
serve the Lord enthusiastically.
Rejoice in our confident hope.
Be patient in trouble, and keep on praying.
When God’s people are in need,
be ready to help them.
Always be eager to practice hospitality.
Bless those who persecute you.
Don’t curse them;
pray that God will bless them.
Be happy with those who are happy,
and weep with those who weep.
Live in harmony with each other.
Don’t be too proud to enjoy the
company of ordinary people.
And don’t think you know it all!
Never pay back evil with more evil.
Do things in such a way that everyone
can see you are honorable.
Romans 12:9-17
I pray that your love will
overflow more and more,
and that you will keep on growing in
knowledge and understanding.
For I want you to understand
what really matters,
so that you may live pure and blameless
lives until the day of Christ’s return.
May you always be filled with the
fruit of your salvation—
the righteous character produced in your life
by Jesus Christ—for this will bring
much glory and praise to God.
PhIlippians 1:9-11
Make it your goal to live a quiet life,
minding your own business
and working with your hands,
just as we instructed you before
1 Thessalonians 4:11
Do not judge others, and
you will not be judged.
For you will be treated as you treat others.
The standard you use in judging
is the standard by which you will be judged.
Matthew 7:1-2
I urge, then, first of all,
that petitions, prayers,
intercession and thanksgiving
be made for all people, for kings and
all those in authority,
that we may live peaceful
and quiet lives in all
godliness and holiness.
1 Timothy 2:1-2
Show proper respect to everyone,
love the family of believers,
fear God, honor the emperor.
1 Peter 2:17
And let us not grow weary
of doing good, for
in due season we will reap,
if we do not give up.
Galatians 6:9
And now I make one more appeal,
my dear brothers and sisters.
Watch out for people who cause
divisions and upset people’s faith
by teaching things contrary
to what you have been taught.
Stay away from them.
Such people are not serving
Christ our Lord; they are serving
their own personal interests.
By smooth talk and glowing words
they deceive innocent people.
But everyone knows that you are
obedient to the Lord.
This makes me very happy.
I want you to be wise in doing right
and to stay innocent of any wrong.
The God of peace will soon crush
Satan under your feet.
May the grace of our Lord Jesus be with you.
Romans 16:17-20
The righteous person faces many troubles,
but the Lord comes to the rescue each time.
Psalm 34:19